Food Justice in Charlottesville’s Belmont Neighborhood

Ariel Ardura

May 7, 2013

PLAC 5500



Food justice is a relatively new term, and one that is by no means easy to

define. According to the Social Justice Learning Institute, it means: “Communities

exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat healthy [food that is] fresh, nutritious,

affordable, culturally appropriate, and grown locally with care for the well-being of

the land, the workers, and animals.”i But what does this actually mean? Perhaps

a little more illuminating is Gottlieb and Joshi’s three-part definition: “1) seeking to

challenge and restructure the dominant food system, 2) providing a core focus on

equity and disparities and the struggles by those who are most vulnerable, and 3)

establishing linkages and common goals with other forms of social justice

activism and advocacy- whether immigrant rights, worker justice, transportation

and access, or land use.”ii This clues you in to the vast array of array of topics

that follow under the ‘food justice’ umbrella, and the different approaches that

can be taken to food justice.

Food justice is important precisely because it aims to tackle all of these

issues that are related to food, and recognizes that in a way, they are all

interconnected. It hopes to tackle the global, industrial food system, the

economic, health, environmental, and social disparities associated with this

system, and other social justice issues that can be linked to the food justice

movement, such as immigrant rights. Most importantly, it hopes to tackle these

issues in a way that allows these once separate movements to work together,

rather than against one another. One of the most important aspects of the food

justice movement is its recognition of the ways that race and class are enmeshed

in the food system, and its goal of empowering low-income and minority

communities to have a say in this food system.

Food justice has the potential to impact people on so many levels.

Depending on where it is at work within the food system, food justice could mean

fair wages for an immigrant farmer; the survival of an organic farm that’s about to

go under; access to fresh, affordable food for a neighborhood accustomed to fast

food and processed food; a boost in a community’s economy as they learn to

support their local food system; and much, much more. If people start changing

the way they think about food, we can create a food system that is better for the

environment, for people’s health, for local economies, for social justice; a system

that is fair and that is looking out for people’s best interests rather than exploiting

them. Although the movement is in its still relatively new, it is one that has the

power to effect important changes in our current food system and the many

issues interconnected with it.


For this class, we conducted a food justice audit of different neighborhoods in

Charlottesville in order to gauge levels of hunger, access to fresh healthy food,

perceptions of food justice, impacts of local food initiatives, and ideas for

advancing food justice in Charlottesville. Members of the class were put into

teams of two and assigned a neighborhood. My teammate and I were assigned

the neighborhood of Belmont-Carlton, located at the southeast corner of



Food Justice Audit Methodology

My teammate and I divided the audit equally between us. I worked on the

following sections of the audit: Public Health Measures, School-Based Food and

Nutrition, and Food Insecurity and Hunger Measures. My teammate did the

following sections on her own: Food, Farmers, and Farm Workers Measures;

Food-Based Economic Development Measures; and Policy. We worked on the

‘Food Access Infrastructure’ section together.

To determine what the City of Charlottesville is doing to foster food justice

in the community, I analyzed several documents produced by the City and by

various independent organizations. The three main sources I examined for every

section were the following three ‘Plans’ created by the city:

First, I examined the Charlottesville’s 2007 Comprehensive Plan, which

was most recently updated in 2012. This document defines city government

policy regarding housing, land use and urban design, transportation, historic

preservation, the environment, economy, and community facilities, recreation,

and utilities.

Next I examined the Charlottesville City Council Strategic Plan: City

Council Vision 2025. This document was adopted in 2007 and updated in 2011. It

serves as a guide for Council discussion and will direct city staff in implementing

new projects and initiatives. These new projects and initiatives will revolve

around eight themes: Economic Sustainability, A Center for Lifelong Learning,

Quality Housing Opportunities for All, C’ville Arts and Culture, A Green City,

America’s Healthiest City, A Connected Community, and Smart, Citizen-Focused


Finally, I audited the Belmont 2006 Neighborhood Plan. This plan

identifies key ongoing issues in the neighborhood, neighborhood assets, and

future programmatic, policy, and design opportunities. It examines the following

aspects of the neighborhood: ‘Centers,’ Connectivity, Housing, and Environment.

When examining Public Health Measures in Belmont, I also gleaned

information from the following sources and organizations: The Thomas Jefferson

Health District’s “Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships” Plan;

Virginia Organizing’s Charlottesville Chapter; the 2012 Strategic Plan adopted by

Community Action on Obesity (A Charlottesville-Albemarle Taskforce); and the

city website’s page listing the city’s health services.

When examining School-Based Food and Nutrition in Belmont, I once

again found information in the 2012 Strategic Plan adopted by Community Action

on Obesity (A Charlottesville-Albemarle Taskforce).

When looking at Food Access Infrastructure, I found information in the

Community Action on Obesity’s Strategic Plan, as well as a report completed in

2011 entitled “Charlottesville Food Safety Net” by Arley Arrington, Saamia,

Noorali, and Heather Smith.

When examining Food Insecurity and Hunger Measures, I gleaned

information from the following sources and Organizations: Virginia Organizing,

The Haven, Campus Kitchens, Society of St. Andrew, the “Charlottesville Food

Safety Net” report, a 2009 report entitled “Assessment of Charlottesville’s

Emergency Food Network” by Carla Jones, Daniel Nairn, and Alicia Rabadan; a

2006 report entitled “The Charlottesville Region Food System: A Preliminary

Assessment” by UVA students; the Virginia Department of Health ‘Emergency

Planning’ website; a 2010 report entitled “Charlottesville Community Food

System” by Lauren Boswell, CoCo Fraiche, and Janie Williams; Buy Fresh, Buy

Local; and Charlottesville’s WIC program.

Community Service

As part of the food justice audit, each team was assigned to volunteer with

a local organization within their designated neighborhood. My partner and I were

assigned to Habitat for Humanity, which is important within Belmont because of

its Sunrise Park Development located on Carlton Avenue.

We were given a variety of opportunities to volunteer either at Sunrise

Park or at Southwood Mobile Home Park, a trailer park in Albemarle County that

Habitat purchased in 2007. To better understand what Habitat does, my

teammate and I decided to volunteer at both locations. At Sunrise Park we

attended “Tuesday Club,” where UVA’s service fraternity APO goes to Sunrise

and leads an extracurricular activity with children that live in the Sunrise

Development. This could be anything from an ‘Arts & Crafts’ activity to learning

how to cook a new recipe. We were able to meet and interact with the children,

and help out in any way that was needed. At Southwood Mobile Home Park we

attended several of the Community Safety Meetings and Community Information

Sessions, which are held at the Southwood Community Building. At the Safety

Meetings, professionals from various organizations are brought in to discuss

different safety topics with the residents of Southwood, such as neighborhood

safety and financial safety. At the Community Information Sessions, Habitat staff

members speak to Southwood residents about the changes that will be taking

place at Southwood over the next few years, and inform them of what they need

to do in order to remain at Southwood, should they choose to do so.

Neighborhood Thought Leaders

One purpose of the community service component of the class was to

help us identify several residents who could be considered community ‘thought

leaders’ and who could be interviewed about food justice within the

neighborhood. Although I learned a lot from my volunteer work with Habitat, it

unfortunately did not bring me into contact with many people who could speak

about the food justice situation in Belmont and generate ideas about how to

change the situation. Thus I had to look to other resources in order to find my

neighborhood ‘thought leaders.’ One thought leader was provided by Dr. Kendra

Hamilton. The other two I knew threw my previous work with Habitat for


The first person I interviewed as a ‘thought leader’ was Joan Schatzman,

a woman that Dr. Hamilton knew in the Belmont community. A longtime resident

of the Belmont neighborhood, Ms. Schatzman was also one of the first female

building contractors in the city. I spoke with her on April 11, 2013, in an interview

that lasted about thirty minutes.

My next thought leader was Caitlin Riopel, the former Community

Coordinator at Sunrise Park. I chose to interview her rather than the current

Community Coordinator because she had been in that position for a longer

amount of time. She had also grown up in Charlottesville and lived in Belmont for

a brief period of time, so it was likely that she would have some insights into the

food justice situation in Charlottesville. I interviewed this Ms. Riopel for about

thirty minutes on April 17, 2013.

Lastly, I interviewed Marion Dudley, a woman who is a resident of the

Sunrise Park condominium, and a former resident of the Sunrise Trailers. An

outspoken advocate for the trailer residents during the Sunrise redevelopment

process and a longtime resident of Belmont, this woman was someone who

could offer a slightly different perspective on the food justice situation. I

interviewed her on April 23, 2013, in an interview lasting about 30 minutes.


One of the challenges I encountered during my research was finding

‘thought leaders’ to interview. Because the community service I completed in the

Belmont neighborhood revolved around children, it did not put me in contact with

anyone who would be able to comment on the food justice situation in Belmont

and provide ideas for how Charlottesville could improve food justice. Thus it was

a bit of a struggle, as a student who is not very familiar with the Belmont area

and has only lived in Charlottesville for four years, to find three residents to fulfill

the role of ‘community thought leaders.’

Another challenge I encountered was how to explain food justice to the

people I was interviewing. No one that I interviewed had ever heard the term

before, thus the challenge fell to me to help them understand what it was. This

was difficult, because I myself was still, and am still, figuring it out. How does one

explain a concept that is so broad and encompassing? The most helpful way I

could think of was to discuss some of the topics we had covered in class,

because it seemed to me that a one-sentence was not going accurately convey

the vast spectrum of issues that fall under the ‘food justice umbrella.’


Food Justice Strengths


We found a number of strengths related to food justice in Charlottesville, of

which, the following three are perhaps the greatest:

1) The City has taken a number of measures to promote food-based

economic development in Charlottesville. For example, they promote the

support of small-scale shops and stores who source produce from locally

based farmers, in order to stimulate the local economy and prevent food

from traveling huge distances to reach the consumer. The city website

also endorses the farmers markets and features information about the

benefits of buying local. Charlottesville also has processing and

distribution facilities that are locally run, including The Local Food Hub,

Cavalier Produce, and the Standard Produce Company. Additionally,

Charlottesville has many stores that offer fresh, healthy food and accept

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) cards, including a

number of the Giant Foods, Krogers, Food Lions, and Harris Teeters in

the area.iii

2) The City has also taken a number of measures to improve school-based

food and nutrition. There is a School Health Advisory Board (SHAB),

comprised of teachers, nutrition experts, administrators, and parents, that

advises Charlottesville City School Board in the development and

evaluation of policies and programs that support the health and wellbeing

of students, families, and school staff. In addition, Virginia allows

procurement from local farmers, so Charlottesville City Schools (CCS) has

been able to continue strengthening its ‘Farm to School’ program and

partnership with the Local Food Hub. The CCS Wellness Policy also has

many initiatives to reduce the availability of junk food in schools.iv

3) Lastly, there is great support from the community for programs and

organizations that work to prevent food insecurity and hunger in

Charlottesville. There are quite a few gleaning operations in

Charlottesville, including the Society of St. Andrew (SOSA), UVA Campus

Kitchen, Food Not Bombs, and the UVA Madison House ‘Hoos Against

Hunger and Homelessness.’ There are also many organizations that

provide emergency food assistance in Charlottesville, including Jefferson

Area Board for Aging (JABA), and a number of food banks and soup



We also found a number of food justice strengths related to Belmont specifically.

1) The Belmont neighborhood is considered somewhat of a “Foodie Hub” in

Charlottesville, and as such, there is already a big emphasis on fresh &

local food there. There is also an interest in growing your own food there,

as there are a number of ‘backyard gardens,’ although these are located

primarily in the Belmont Proper area of the neighborhood.

2) According to city Bicycle and Sidewalk maps, significant portions of the

neighborhood have biking and walking paths, thus the neighborhood is

fairly easy to get around. This is a strength in terms of residents’ access to

3) Belmont is an ‘up-and-coming neighborhood.’ People see it as an

attractive place to live, and many new families are moving there.

Therefore, the city can see Belmont as a good place to invest their money.

Ideally, some of this money would be put towards food initiatives that

would increase food justice.

Food Justice Challenges


1) One of the biggest food justice challenges in Charlottesville is that,

although the resources and services in Charlottesville are plentiful, they

are not well utilized. There is a gap between the availability, accessibility,

and awareness of these resources. Thus there needs to be more

awareness of, education about, and integration of these resources, as well

as more community-based research.

2) Another weakness in Charlottesville is the City and its surrounding areas’

treatment of farmers. According to a 2009 report entitled “Sustainable

Farm Labor System,” farmers in the counties surrounding Charlottesville

are not able to support workers with adequate compensation, full-time or

year-round employment, or insurance. In addition, the Charlottesville area

does not ensure fair wages and safe working conditions that limit,

minimize or eliminate exposure to hazards for all farmers without

discrimination, nor is there a policy or program in existence that ensure

appropriate protection of all farm workers from exposure to pesticides.vii

3) There are also a number of challenges related to food policy in

Charlottesville. For example, there is no policy or program that

encourages affordable housing with designated space for residents to

garden; local zoning does not allow for temporary use of abandoned lots

for neighborhood gardens or urban farms; there are no tax incentives to

businesses and restaurants that purchase local food; etc. These are just a

few examples of the policy issues in Charlottesville. There are still more,

and it’s important that policies start to change in order for food justice to

be achieved.viii


1) One of the major challenges in the Belmont neighborhood is in fact the

same as one of its strengths: the fact that it is an ‘up-and-comingneighborhood.’

As I mentioned before, people see Belmont as an

attractive place to move to. As a result, Belmont is experiencing

gentrification. Everything is becoming more expensive, and many lowerincome

residents are being displaced because they can no longer afford

the cost of living in the neighborhood.

2) Another challenge in Belmont also relates to one of the neighborhood’s

strengths: affordability of quality food. Although there is an emphasis on

fresh and local food in Belmont, most of this food is not very affordable.

Lower-income residents of the neighborhood are at a great disadvantage

when it comes to purchasing quality food.

3) Belmont also faces a challenge when it comes to the utilization of their

parks. There are a number of parks in the neighborhood, but very few

farmers markets or community gardens. These parks could be used to

improve access to fresh, healthy food in the neighborhood, but as of right

now are not. There is a plan to create a community garden in Rives Park,

but so far it has been a struggle to turn this goal into a reality.ix


To fulfill the community engagement component of the class, I completed

one ‘life history’ interview and three ‘thought leader’ interviews.

Every student had to complete a life history interview with someone who

has been involved with food in some capacity within the Charlottesville

community. This was a formal, recorded interview through which we learned

about the evolution of the interviewee’s relationship with food over time, as well

as their current thoughts on food justice in the Charlottesville area and ideas for

how to improve it. My life history interviewee is named Angela Jefferson. She is

an African American woman, aged 72, who has lived in Charlottesville for the

majority of her life. Having grown up in Charlottesville, Ms. Jefferson has

witnessed many changes to the food system in Charlottesville over the years.

She believes that the city’s relationship to food has gone backwards over the

years, and that the city is not doing well at all in terms of food justice. Ms.

Jefferson believes that education is the most important factor in achieving food

justice. She believes that people are much less educated about food than they

used to be, and that in order to improve food justice, we must start by educating

them. x

My first thought leader interview was with Joan Schatzman, a longtime

resident of the Belmont neighborhood and one of the first female building

contractors in the city. She also grows much of her own produce organically in

her backyard garden. Ms. Schatzman also believes that education is a major

factor in the achievement of food justice. She believes that quality food is

essentially only available to those who have the education to get it. She also

thinks that current food policies are unfair and take advantage of vulnerable

populations, such as children.xi

My second thought leader interview was with Caitlin Riopel, the former

Community Coordinator at Habitat’s Sunrise Park in the Belmont-Carlton

neighborhood. She is also a longtime resident of Charlottesville and a former

resident of Belmont. One of the biggest issues she sees in Belmont in terms of

food justice- especially for the Sunrise Park former trailer residents- is that of

transportation. There are a number of residents who have very little access to

transportation. The people with little access to transportation therefore often do

their food shopping at convenience stores and gas stations that are within

walking distance. These places have little to offer, if anything, in the way of fresh,

healthy food. Another issue Ms. Riopel has seen at Sunrise is that a few children

with parents who have to work multiple jobs have to fend for themselves when it

comes to food.xii

My last thought leader interview was with Marion Dudley, who used to

lived in the Sunrise Trailer Park, and now lives in Habitat’s Sunrise condominium

in an ‘affordable rental’ apartment. The biggest issue she sees in Belmont is that

low-income residents do not eat well. Children and the elderly especially are not

getting complete nutrition, because it is not available to them. Ms. Dudley

believes that efforts made by food banks and other emergency food providers

are not enough, because the need is just too great. However it was interesting to

learn that, other than the issues mentioned above, she believes that Belmont is

doing pretty well in terms of food justice, and does not see any serious issues in

the area.xiii


Harlem Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA)

One example of an organization working towards food justice is the

Harlem Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA). This is a program where

participants can buy shares in upstate farms and then have food from that farm

delivered to them every week. This program makes CSAs accessible to people of

all income levels. The CSA is available at 3 different prices: there is a base rate

(unadjusted price of a share), one price set above the base rate, and one price

set below the base rate. For every three participants that pay the highest price,

the farm can support two participants paying the lower price. Any leftover food is

then donated to the Food Bank for N.Y.C.’s Community Kitchen and Food Pantry

of West Harlem. The program also has a wiki page where farmers can explain

new produce being provided and members can share recipes and other helpful

hints and ideas related to the food.

This program is supporting the food justice effort by ensuring that lowincome

neighborhoods have access to a diverse supply of fresh produce in areas

where such items are not readily available. It also benefits the local New York

farm community by providing them with a guaranteed outlet for their harvest

throughout the growing season while promoting locally grown food in New York


Although there are many programs similar to this one across the nation,

the Harlem Farm Share is rather unique in its attempt to bring together people

from all stages and walks of life. Rather than solely focusing on low-income

populations, its cross-cultural focus ensures that people of all income levels are

involved and benefiting by this food justice effort. Given its draw on both highincome

and low-income participants, there is always reliable funding for the

program. If Charlottesville CSAs were to adapt this plan, programs that rely on

grant donations might then have a steadier monetary support system and no

longer have to rely on those grants.xiv

Real Food Farm Mobile Market

Another example of an organization working towards food justice is

Baltimore’s Civic Works: Real Food Farm. Civic Works is a Baltimore urban

service nonprofit that operates through a combination of government grants and

funds from private donors. Real Food Farm is an urban farm in Baltimore’s

Clifton Park, with four main goals:

‐ Make fresh fruits and vegetables more available to low-income Baltimore


‐ Help grow Baltimore’s urban agricultural sector

‐ Provide experience-based education and leverage the farm as a learning


‐ Promote sustainable land use

The aspect of Real Food Farm I would like to focus on in regards to

Charlottesville’s own food justice efforts is their Mobile Farmer’s Market. This

mobile market was created in 2009 in an attempt to address their first goal: Make

fresh fruits and vegetables more available to low-income Baltimore families. The

Mobile Farmer’s Market- a converted Washington Post delivery truck- takes the

Real Food Farm’s fresh food to make home deliveries and pre-arranged stops in

and around the Clifton Park neighborhood. The Mobile Market accepts EBT

payments made with independence cards, with additional incentives for those

using SNAP funds. The cost of the food is offset by grants that Civic Works

receives from the government, private donations, and volunteer labor.

Charlottesville already has urban farms: the Urban Agriculture Collective

of Charlottesville (UACC) has been working hard to “provide City residents of all

ages and backgrounds the opportunity to work together and learn from one

another by collectively growing, harvesting, and sharing locally produced organic

fruits and vegetables,” in the Friendship Court, 6th Street, and West Street

neighborhoods. UACC (or another organization) could increase the number of

people getting access to their produce with the adoption of this Mobile Market

idea. One of the ‘Community Action on Obesity’ taskforce’s advocacy objectives

regarding community food is to create mobile farmer markets in all low-income

neighborhoods. This is a feasible possibility, given that the farms are already

there (although more farms/acreage would be needed to provide for all low

income- neighborhoods), and all that’s needed now is the ‘mobile market.’ This

would be a great way to improve access to affordable, healthy food in



Over the course of the semester, I came across many ideas for advancing

food justice, both from my own research and from the interviews I conducted.

The following community-based ideas came primarily from my life history and

thought leader interviews.

Several of my interviewees thought that education was a very important

factor for achieving food justice in Charlottesville. Ms. Jefferson thought that the

first step we take towards achieving food justice needs to be through education.

This would mean teaching young people through formal education, such as

nutrition classes in school. She also believes that nonprofits can play a role in

helping to educate the public about nutrition.xvi Ms. Schatzman thinks that there

are number of ways to go about tackling this issue of education. Having people

eat healthily on TV would be a subtle way to reeducate the public. Having

community members lead cooking classes associated with community gardens

would be another way to help educate community residents. She also thinks that

schools should consider having mandatory nutrition curriculum, starting in Pre-K

and going all the way through 12th grade.xvii

Other ideas that came up had to do with access to food. Ms. Schatzman

believes that individual farm stands would be a way to increase access to fresh,

local food within in the community- individual homeowners could put out a table

and sell their own produce to community members.xviii Ms. Riopel thought that,

since many lower-income resident in the Belmont often buy food at convenience

stores and gas stations that are nearby, the city could consider creating

incentives for these places to carry more fresh food and perishable items.xix One

popular idea that came up in both interviews and in my research was the concept

of community gardens- this is a way to both provide access to fresh, local food,

and increase residents’ sovereignty over the food choices they make.xx


Based on what my teammate and I found in our research and from talking

to community members, we can discern several overarching themes in the

concerns about and ideas for achieving food justice in Belmont.

First, the city might want to consider ways in which to bring more

affordable fresh food into the neighborhood. This could be through a mobile

farmers market, individual farm stands, community gardens, or incentives for

convenience stores and gas stations to carry perishables.

Second, the City might consider ways to overcome barriers faced by lowincome

populations when it comes to food. There are cultural barriers to

consider, such as ensuring that the various populations have access to culturally

relevant foods, and overcoming the discomfort often felt by low-income citizens in

places where they do have access to fresh, affordable food. There is also the

issue of affordability to consider. Most quality foods in Belmont are not affordable

for everyone in the neighborhood- the City could think about ways to make fresh

food more affordable and thereby increase access for low-income populations.

iii “GFoototldie Jbu, sRtiocbee Ertf,f oarntsd. “A SnJuLpIa. mN.ap .J,o ns.hdi.. WFoeobd. 4J uMstaicy2. 0C1a3m. bridge, MA: MIT,

  1. Print.

iii PLAC 5500 2013 Food Justice Audit

iv PLAC 5500 2013 Food Justice Audit

v PLAC 5500 2013 Food Justice Audit

vi “Charlottesville : Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan.” Charlottesville : Bicycle &

Pedestrian Master Plan. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 May 2013.

vii PLAC 5500 2013 Food Justice Audit

viii PLAC 5500 2013 Food Justice Audit

ix PLAC 5500 2013 Food Justice Audit

x Jefferson, Angela. Life history interview. March 20, 2013. Palmyra, VA.

xi Joan Schatzman. April 11, 2013. Belmont, Charlottesville, VA.

xii Caitlin Riopel. April 17, 2013. Habitat Store, Charlottesville, VA.

xiii Marion Dudley. April 23, 2013. Sunrise Community Center, Charlottesville, VA.

xiv “Jointhecommunitysupportedagriculturemovement.” Harlem Community Farm

Share. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

xv “Real Food Farm.” Real Food Farm RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

“Civic Works | The Corps Network.” Civic Works | The Corps Network.

N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

“Mobile Farmers Markets Feed Families in Food

Deserts.” N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

“Community Action on Obesity.” Community Action on Obesity. N.p., n.d.

Web. 24 Feb. 2013.

xvi Jefferson, Angela. Life history interview. March 20, 2013. Palmyra, VA.

xvii Joan Schatzman. April 11, 2013. Belmont, Charlottesville, VA.

xviii Joan Schatzman. April 11, 2013. Belmont, Charlottesville, VA.

xix Caitlin Riopel. April 17, 2013. Habitat Store, Charlottesville, VA.

xx Joan Schatzman. April 11, 2013. Belmont, Charlottesville, VA.

Caitlin Riopel. April 17, 2013. Habitat Store, Charlottesville, VA.

Appendix: Community Members Interviewed

Angela Jefferson (Life History Interview): Longtime resident of


Joan Schatzman (Thought Leader): Former building contractor, longtime

resident of Belmont

Caitlin Riopel (Thought Leader): Former Sunrise Community Coordinator

Marion Dudley (Thought Leader): Resident of the Sunrise Park



Download the  Food Justice in Charlottesville’s Belmont Neighborhood project here.